Friday, May 20, 2011

Australia's Biggest Morning Tea

The official date for
2011 is Thursday 26th May
The Target is $11,000,000
for cancer research and
patient support


A veil of sugar,
that can be created in any colour,
will float in the tea cup adding a delicate
and bohemian touch and it melts
in less than 2 minutes !
Check it out here at

is such a unique and 
exceptional textile artist to be able
to create these amazing pieces
 of art, don't you agree ?

This is my cute Teacup Poodle
unfortunately we don't have
any pets as my husband and I
work full time but if we did
this would be my choice !

 My lovely husband is making
Chocolate Profiteroles
with fresh cream
for me to take along to our
office morning tea at my work
next week !

I will post a picture later
to show you what
we will be enjoying with our
cuppa next week.

Ta Dah !

Bread and water can so
easily be toast and tea. 

 *  Author Unknown  *