We all want value for our money.
I am sure that most of us are
endeavouring to achieve a
desired outcome at the best
possible price in all areas
of our lives.
So how do you achieve value
for your money when it
comes to Scrapbooking
and Cardmaking
or other various crafts ?
If you are having to purchase all
the items you require (like me)
and not in the fortunate position
of being supplied with various
manufactures products how
do you acheive value for money ?
The phrase "caveat emptor" means
"let the buyer beware".
It pays to shop around !
So here are some of my
value for money tips
and recent great finds that I would
love to share with you.
This paper is called BLUR
from BASIC GREY and it
has served me well
on these three projects below.
I picked the paper up at
Photo Continental one of my
local Scrapbooking stores.
A great paper for the boys in
our lives, don't you think ?
Oh yes this is a real snake !
This pose is the "trying to be like Steve Irwin
The Crocodile Hunter pose "
A very cool dude indeed !
Hers is a quick card for the boys
And for my little "Blue Wren" project
( my April post ) |
Now thats what I call value for money !
A few weeks ago I found
where you can get a Devonshire Tea
for a gold coin donation and the money
I also picked up some georgeous
lace doillies there for only $6 each !!!
Now thats fantastic value for money !
The other great deal I recently found
was online where I purchased
my new Nikon 5000 camera
at half price !
Online Shopping Australia
Now you have got to love that !
Some shopping quotes to make you smile !
If men liked shopping,
they'd call it research.
-- Cynthia Nelms--
Shopping is a woman thing.
It's a contact sport like football.
Women enjoy the scrimmage,
the noisy crowds,
the danger of being trampled to death,
and the ecstasy of the purchase.
-- Erma Bombeck --
How true !