Friday, March 11, 2011

Kitchen Treasures - Part Two

In my previous post in February
I mentioned that my Grandmother and
Mother would get together
for a baking day
and all the wonderful delights
they would create together.

When I think back to those
days I remember how a simple
 cup of butter sprinkled with sugar
and drizzled with some
vanilla extract was such a special
treat for us children to eat
during those wonderful baking days.

These well worn kitchen scales have worked
hard over the many, many years for my
Grandmother and Mother.

I still have one of my Mother's cookbooks

The American Woman's Cook Book
covered everything modern women of the
1930's and beyond would
need to know in ones lifetime !

Boasting "full colour illustrations"
of difficult food subjects 

The images were included to vitalise
the recipes and add inspiration
to the occupation of cooking.

Much to my surprise, 
this book  which was first published
 in 1939 can now be read on line here

These cards below have been inspired by
my Grandmother and Mother and all
the wonderful recipes we have come
to know and love to eat
and now we can share these with
friends and family
in our lives.

The Cupcake Card below was designed by
Lynette Carroll and I was delighted
to be able to attend one of her classes
at the Brisbane Craft Expo in 2010.

I really love this card and I must
confess that Lynette continues to inspire
me with her creative talents.

Recipe for Love


2 Hearts Full of Love
2 Heaping Cups of Kindness
2 Armfuls of Gentleness
2 Cups of Friendship
2 Cups of Joy
2 Big Hearts Full of Forgiveness
1 Lifetime of Togetherness
2 Minds Full of Tenderness

Stir daily with Happiness,
Humour & Patience.
Serve with Warmth & Compassion,
Respect & Loyalty.

Author Unknown